4th to 8th Grade

Fourth Grade- Fourth grade students read longer words and use roots, prefixes, and suffixes to determine the meanings of unknown words. They use details and examples in the text to determine the main idea and describe a character, setting, or event. Students produce writing that is developed, focused, organized, and editedThey group related ideas in paragraphs and sections, and provide a conclusion. Fourth grade students know when to use formal English, and when informal English is appropriate.

Fifth Grade- Fifth grade students build on their ability to read longer words, using roots, prefixes, and suffixes to determine the meaning of unknown words. Students explain how an author supports points in a text. They use quotes accurately when referring to the text. Students keep the audience in mind and include a clear sequence of events when writing. Students listen to a speaker or media source and identify reasons and evidence provided to support particular points. They identify and discuss misleading ideas.

Sixth Grade- Sixth grade is the transition year from an elementary to middle school setting.  A focus is on engaging and motivating early adolescents in exploring topic of interest and relevance to help expand their knowledge.   Students apply skills they learned in earlier grades to make sense of longer, more challenging books and articles.  The skills learned in understanding math will be among some of the most important foundational content for college and career readiness. 

Seventh Grade- In 7th grade, your child will analyze, define, compare, and evaluate ideas when reading, writing, speaking, and listening. He or she will continue to analyze how themes in fiction and nonfiction develop over the course of a book or article.  7th grade students will gain the ability to cite specific evidence when offering an interpretation of text or arguments.

Eighth Grade- To prepare for bigger challenges in high school, 8th grade students must grapple with major works of fiction and nonfiction that extend across cultures and centuries.  As they work diligently to understand precisely what an author or speaker is saying, students also must learn to question an author's or speaker's assumptions and assess the accuracy of his or her claims.  They also must be able to report findings from their own research and analysis of sources in a clear manner.

Learning does not end in the classroom.  Children need help and support at home to succeed in their studies.  Try to create a quiet place for your child to study, and carve out time every day when your child can concentrate on reading, writing, and math uninterrupted by friends, brothers or sisters, or other distractions.

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